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Giving Tuesday: Master your Social Accounts

by Ornella Schillaci
November 3, 2021 - Reading time: 4min
Giving Tuesday: Master your Social Accounts

It’s coming soon and you need to prepare for it. We won’t explain why you need to get involved in this generosity movement (because we did already here) or why CSR activities and social impact initiatives within the workplace are good for employees retention and brand awareness - among other things.

However, we will explain to you why it is also important to make sure your Giving Tuesday program is spread across your official social channels, whether they are internal or external.

#1 It started online

We’re not going to tell you that since we’re all living in an online world right now giving the covid19 drama, you have to apply Giving Tuesday online. It is true that the pandemic changed our ways to donate and volunteer and involves a lot of online tools now. But Giving Tuesday actually started as an online generosity movement, and is even most well-known with its Social Media name : #GivingTuesday

It wouldn’t make sense not to benefit from the visibility that the generosity movement already gathered since its creation.

Our best tip: Hashtags are now widely spread and used on all social media; even if some channels are the most common ones to find hashtags like Instagram or Twitter. Know that you can add several hashtags in one post. But of course, don’t get crazy there: one or two is enough. Too many hashtags in one single post can look spammy. As for why hashtags matter, they help you reach your audience, and make it easier for them to find the information they’re looking for linked to a specific hashtag. 

#2 It boosts engagement 

Workforce is younger and younger, right? Now Millennials and Zoomers are entering the work place and they are so used to being on social media. They know the codes and the way to use them. It’s not even generational as in 2020, we were 3.6 billion people on social media, all channels mixed in this statistic. That’s huge. So you can easily guess that a lot of your employees are also using social networks.

Giving visibility to the program you set up for Giving Tuesday and to which they’re taking an active part is also a great way to engage them in the corporate culture and show them that their participation is seen and appreciated. It’s not about bragging and showing off, it’s more about appreciation. 

Our best tip: Think about ways to involve people in this social media movement. Let them share pics, news, feedbacks and use it to feed your networks. Highlight some of your donors once or twice per week (you choose the frequency according to the channel), share throwback pictures, etc.  

#3 It is yours too

It’s your program, your people, your initiatives. Make it personal, make it yours : make sure to follow your values and goals in all your communication activities. The way you speak, the things you show and do should correspond to your organization. You can even add a personalized hashtag like #GivingClothesDay #GivingTimeDay. The choice is yours so make it wise and personal.

Our best tip: Brainstorm with your team. They might have great ideas that can reflect who you are even better than you’d say it.

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Social Media Planning is the best

Just like any other events, social media planning can help you organize your posts on all the social media platforms that you’re active on. You need to be structured but also allow some flexibility on this schedule: know that sometimes, something might occur and will feed your Instagram account or Linkedin Page instead of the content you planned ahead of time.

Make sure to add visuals, images, pictures or even short videos snippets to give live to your post and reach an even higher engagement. Indeed, it is known that social media content that is published with a pertinent visual reaches 94% more views compared to posts that are made of plain text. 

Again, as you’re planning, don’t forget to think about what is going to happen after Giving Tuesday. Donations and Volunteering are always needed, always welcome. Showing your gratitude on social media and inviting your audience to go on like this even after Giving Tuesday is a great way to keep in touch with them, engage with them and of course, make sure that the social impact good activities that you’ve worked so hard for are worth it and stay alive longer.

We got your back

It can be very challenging to plan such a philanthropy program so we decided to give you a hand with it. We built an online book for you to know everything about Giving Tuesday (English), how to plan it, the checklist to make it happen smoothly, and a retroplanning to have everything written down. Get yours here and come back to us if you need any information. The ebook also exists in French, here.

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