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8 philanthropy blogs to stay up-to-date

by Optimy
May 4, 2019 - Reading time: 2min
8 philanthropy blogs to stay up-to-date

Philanthropy is growing rapidly and is continuously having to evolve to accommodate for this growth. It can sometimes be difficult to keep up with the latest news and changes. Due to this issue, we have compiled for you a list of the top 8 philanthropy blogs. These blogs offer philanthropy news as well as tips, webinars and case studies.

#1 The Chronicle of Philanthropy

The Chronicle of Philanthropy is not only a magazine, but they also have a blog where they post daily about topics covering many aspects of philanthropy. The group also publish an annual report which goes into detail about philanthropic trends for the year. We appreciate the regularity of their posting combined with the broad range of philanthropy themes they include.

#2 NonProfit Quarterly

Similarly to The Chronicle of Philanthropy, NonProfit Quarterly posts about a wide range of philanthropic themes, it also produces informative webinars as well as case studies.

#3 The NonProfit Times

The NonProfit Times offers its readers reports regarding philanthropy as well as daily articles. It also provides a great selection of “tips” articles for nonprofit professionals.

#4 Beth’s Blog

Beth Kanter, author of Beth’s Blog: How Nonprofits can use Social Media, was named by Fast Company Magazine as one of the most influential women in technology. Her blog is one of the longest running and most popular blogs for nonprofits. She has over 30 years experience working in the nonprofit sector and brings this experience to her articles.

#5 Third Sector

Third Sector is one of the UK’s leading blogs for everything nonprofit. It has a monthly print magazine as well as daily blog articles revolving around everything to do with philanthropy.

#6 Shareable

Shareable is a blog which focuses on “sharing transformation.” This is a movement away from traditional philanthropy toward a more modern take which aims to solve the challenges faced today.

#7 Just Giving Blog

Just Giving is an online giving platform founded in 2001. The blog consists of case studies, philanthropy news, tips, and insights.

#8 Philanthropy News Digest

Philanthropy News Digest is the Foundation Center’s daily news service. It makes philanthropy more accessible by bringing together summaries of philanthropy-related articles and features from print and electronic media outlets, worldwide.

Here you have our list; we hope you enjoy checking out these blogs and learning more about the world of philanthropy and its latest news.

Are there some nonprofit blogs which you feel should be on our list? Contact us and let us know!

Read also: Experts for Optimy: Institutional Philanthropy in Italy, 17 Experts Reveal the 3 ways Technology has Changed Philanthropy, 5 Most Influential Women in Philanthropy.

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