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Grant Management

3 things to have before starting a grant management project

by Optimy
March 10, 2019 - Reading time: 1min
3 things to have before starting a grant management project

As Grant Management involves more tasks and administrative work, it is essential to clarify what you have to do to structure and plan a perfect Grant Management process. Of course, you know what grant management implies. Being a grantmaker is never easy: when there are so many tasks to do for each application and when there are many applications to look through, it makes grant management harder.

Your grant management works involve a lot of operational and administrative responsibilities. When launching a grant project, one of your main focuses is to ensure that everyone follows the grant process's steps and remains efficient in delivering the required materials and reports. Your goal is to make sure that the grant goes to the nonprofit chosen and is implemented effectively.

Before anything, ask yourself if you have the three main elements that any grant project should have to ensure a good successful process.

1. A system

As a grantmaker, your goal is to select the best application to fund. You must have a system where it will consist of the steps you need to take in order to look through all applications precisely so you can select the best application. It is very important that you stick to the system to not miss any applications or stages in the process. A grant management platform will help you identify which stage each application is at. If you have a grant management system, it will help you meet your goals easier because a system is set based on process to take in order to meet your goals.

2. A structure

Some stages aren't doable right away which means you have to come back to the task to complete the process in the system. In order to get each application going, know exactly when you have to come back to complete each task so you can continue with the process. Organize and set a notification system to remind yourself when you should come back and take a look through the application so you don’t miss a step in the process.

3. A communication

Communication is key when it comes to doing your job as a grantmaker because grant seekers will be curious about the process of their application. Communicating with your grant seekers should be implemented into every process so you don’t get phone calls and too many emails. This will allow you to focus on your job by evaluating the right applications to fund.

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Eager to know more about grant management software? It's wise: the more you know, the better. As we offer a smart all-in-one platform that fits your needs and adapts to your project and activities, it might be wise to get insight, support and technological tips from Optimy. But we're not forcing you; if you're not convinced just yet, you might just want to spend a bit more time get inspiration or discover some of our customers who, like you, needed a grant management system in place to manage their grants projects.

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