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#LoveBetter - What you can do for Valentine’s Day

Ornella Schillaci
February 10, 2022 - Reading time: 2min
#LoveBetter - What you can do for Valentine’s Day

Valentine's Day is trending. Here we go again with the restaurants crowded (with the acceptable covid19 limitations of course), the shops' vitrine advertising pink or red promotional flyers, the target ads for women, and the many flowers, chocolates, and random gifts exchanges. Love is in the air, and you can feel it. Can't you? 

A few years ago, research showed that nearly 6 million Americans chose February 14 to propose. No wonder the celebration is that popular in the United States! A study noted that last year some $21.8 billion were spent by Americans for Valentine's Day. 

Knowing that it comes with no surprise that brands and businesses are eager to take advantage of this celebration to make their voice heard. And as a nonprofit, a foundation, an organization...What can YOU do? It's time to #LoveBetter, to find a better, greener, smarter, more societal-friendly alternative to Valentine's day...Don't you think?

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5 ideas to highlight your Nonprofit for Valentine's Day

#1 Use Social Media 

Facebook offers its users the possibility to promote a nonprofit for their birthday... And a lot of Facebook users do it. Valentine's Day could be a good idea for you to promote the "eco-friendly" or "social-friendly" alternative. Suggest your followers ask their loved ones a very special gift for this year's Valentine's Day: a donation to their favorite cause, you. 

#2 Use your stock of branded materials 

Do you have tote bags, candles, notebooks, nice pens, t-shirts, or phone cases with your logo? These materials gifts are just as touching and important when they bear so much meaning. Be transparent with how the money will be used, so don't hesitate to highlight one of your projects that will benefit from the money gathered thanks to the selling of branded gifts, your followers will be heart-warming to know all about the greater good that their small gesture caused. 

#3 Best gift is sharing 

Invite your audience to participate in a volunteering activity for your nonprofit. After all, Valentine's day is a celebration of love. Showing their love for the people, cause, animals you protect, defend, and fight for is a great way to celebrate love, isn't it? 

#4 Send an e-card to your audience

Show your love and appreciation for your donors, followers, audiences, readers, ambassadors, etc. They've been supporting you and helping you raise awareness for your cause, it's time to show them how much you appreciate their involvement and dedication. You can even go further and let them personalize their e-card by providing them with a template with your info and brand colors that they can edit. That way, they can also send their love to whomever they want and who knows...maybe this new person might just become your next donor. 

#5 Partner with a local initiative

Whether it is a feminist association, a human shelter, an animal refuge center, senior home care, they might need a bit of help and visibility. Valentine's day can be an opportunity to use your audience and theirs and let them know what they can do to support your causes. Sure, Valentine's day is a celebration of your love for your partner, but it is also a day to celebrate love, in general. Love for animals, nature, human beings, women's independence, etc. 

Eager to reach the next level for your corporate giving and volunteering programs? Maybe there is something we can do for you! 

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